◆ 档案是行政管理、文化与思维活动的唯一可靠证据,是社会演变的特有反映;
◆ 档案对于提高办事效率、可靠性和透明度,保障公民权利,建立个人与集体记忆,了解过去,记录现在并指导未来非常重要;
◆ 档案全面地记录了人类活动的各个领域;
◆ 档案的生成形式多种多样,包括纸质、电子、声像及其他类型;
◆ 档案工作者是接受过基础和继续教育的专业人士,他们通过支持文件的形成,通过选择、保存并提供利用文件而为社会服务;
◆ 所有公民、公共管理者和决策制定者、公共或私人档案馆的管理者或拥有者,档案工作者和其他信息专家在档案管理方面具有集体责任。
◆ 相应的国家档案政策和法律得以通过并施行;
◆ 所有在业务活动中生成和使用档案的私人或公共团体重视并正确管理档案;
◆ 给档案管理划拨充足的资源,包括聘请受过培训的专业人士;
◆ 以正确的方式管理和保护档案,以保证其真实性、可靠性、完整性和可用性;
◆ 在遵守相关法律并尊重个人、形成者、所有者和利用者权利的前提下,向所有人提供利用档案;
◆ 利用档案以提升公民的责任意识。
Archives record decisions, actions and memories. Archives are a unique and irreplaceable heritage passed from one generation to another. Archives are managed from creation to preserve their value and meaning. They are authoritative sources of information underpinning accountable and transparent administrative actions. They play an essential role in the development of societies by safeguarding and contributing to individual and community memory. Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens' rights and enhances the quality of life.
To this effect, we recognize
• the unique quality of archives as authentic evidence of administrative, cultural and intellectual activities and as a reflection of the evolution of societies;
• the vital necessity of archives for supporting business efficiency, accountability and transparency, for protecting citizens rights, for establishing individual and collective memory, for understanding the past, and for documenting the present to guide future actions;
• the diversity of archives in recording every area of human activity;
• the multiplicity of formats in which archives are created including paper, electronic, audio visual and other types;
• the role of archivists as trained professionals with initial and continuing education, serving their societies by supporting the creation of records and by selecting, maintaining and making these records available for use;
• the collective responsibility of all - citizens, public administrators and decision-makers, owners or holders of public or private archives, and archivists and other information specialists - in the management of archives.
We therefore undertake to work together in order that
• appropriate national archival policies and laws are adopted and enforced;
• the management of archives is valued and carried out competently by all bodies, private or public, which create and use archives in the course of conducting their business;
• adequate resources are allocated to support the proper management of archives, including the employment of trained professionals;
• archives are managed and preserved in ways that ensure their authenticity, reliability,integrity and usability;
• archives are made accessible to everyone, while respecting the pertinent laws and the rights of individuals, creators, owners and users;
• archives are used to contribute to the promotion of responsible citizenship.